Position available: Organist / Choir Director
Interviews start: October 17, 2016
Start date: as hired
Service times: Sunday 10 AM; Recessional hymn and Postlude after the 8:00 AM worship
Rehearsal times: Thursday, 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Instrument: 1887 Roosevelt Pipe Organ - 2-manual pipe organ with much of the original pipe work intact, renovated; and 1910 Steinway Grand Piano. Both well maintained.
Approximate number of choir members: 8
Annual Salary: D.O.E ($12,000 min.)
Please submit resumes and letter of interest via email.
Interviews start: October 17, 2016
Start date: as hired
Service times: Sunday 10 AM; Recessional hymn and Postlude after the 8:00 AM worship
Rehearsal times: Thursday, 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Instrument: 1887 Roosevelt Pipe Organ - 2-manual pipe organ with much of the original pipe work intact, renovated; and 1910 Steinway Grand Piano. Both well maintained.
Approximate number of choir members: 8
Annual Salary: D.O.E ($12,000 min.)
Please submit resumes and letter of interest via email.
- The Episcopal Church of Saints Peter & John, seek a musician who will work with choir and clergy to provide traditional and contemporary hymns, service music, and anthems that support the worship theme and season.
- Provide music selections for bulletin, articles for newsletters, and coordinate with choir and clergy via email.
- Leads choir rehearsals. Freedom to adjust rehearsal time as needed.
- We blend traditional and contemporary pieces, drawing on lectionary themes, using organ and piano.
- We have an experienced choir of about 8 members at this time and hope to recruit more to a new music program.
- Our average Sunday attendance is 50-60.