Tidbits for a New Seedling
to our Church
- What kind of services can I attend?
8am -- Quiet, meditative Holy Eucharist; approximately 50 minutes in length.
10am -- Holy Eucharist with Music typically accompanied with the organ or piano and a Choir (during the school year); approximately an hour in length.
There are also services during the week:
Morning Prayer -- Mondays through Fridays at 8:30am on Facebook and Zoom. Service is led by Fr. John. Please contact us for the link to join us on Zoom.
Mid-Day Worship -- Wednesdays at 12pm on Zoom and is led by one of our parishioners. Our Thursday service has Healing Service included; this service starts at 12pm, led by Fr. John, and is in our St. Luke's Chapel through the Community Room of our Church (enter through the left side entrance of our Church building).
Compline -- Wednesdays at 8:30pm on Facebook.
- What do I have to do?
- Do I bring anything?
Donations, offerings are welcome at the individual's discretion, but not expected. We do not push for any monetary givings as that is not what worship and fellowship is about in this tree.
- Children?
Sunday school is open when there are children present and a teacher is available. Please inquire when you come in for the service!
- How can I get involved?
The branches around the worship services can include Acolytes, Altar Guild (setting up for the service or cleaning up after the service), Usher, Coffee Hour assistant, joining the Choir, joining the Tech Crew, and Lay Readers.
Outside the worship services, there are branches that provide assistance to maintain our place of worship and property (including the Parish Hall). There are Lay Weeders who help maintain the landscaping throughout the year and Property Stewards to oversee the care and repairs of both our buildings.
But wait, there's more! We also have branches reaching out to the community that are always welcoming volunteers. In our Parish Hall, a Soup Kitchen is open several times a week to offer food for anyone in need of nutrition to keep moving forward. There is also a Clothing Closet that offers clothing for anyone in need for warmth and general protection of their bodies.
- What is your music like?
- What do I wear?